
2023 Rockstars Honoree: Dr. Ann Monis

Meet Dr. Ann Monis, President and CEO of Transformative Health Solutions

Dr. Ann Monis is a dynamic healthcare leader and the visionary Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Transformative Healthcare Solutions (THS), one of the largest privately owned behavioral health companies in the state of Florida & Medical Anti-Aging, a groundbreaking healthcare model that seamlessly blends Hormone Therapies, Targeted Primary Care, and Aesthetics. Recognizing the symbiotic relationship between mental and physical health, Dr. Ann champions the need for a treatment paradigm that addresses both dimensions. Her approach involves seamless coordination between mental health services and primary care, emphasizing hormone therapy and medication management where necessary. Dr. Ann Monis is not just a CEO; she’s a visionary leader dedicated to revolutionizing healthcare by bridging the gap between physical vitality and mental well-being, paving the way for a brighter, healthier future.