Carolyn Zaumeyer Nurse Practitioner LowTE Florida 4540 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.791.4498 Traditionally “Hormone Replacement Therapy” was thought of only for women. Over the years, we have learned that men can benefit significantly from optimizing their testosterone. Aging may be a part of life but feeling old doesn’t have to
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Carolyn Zaumeyer Nurse Practitioner LowTE Florida 4540 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.791.4498 There is so much misinformation around hormone therapy which unfortunately creates unnecessary fear. Many patients have been told hormones are bad and can cause cancer or blood clots, which is an immediate deterrent! The good news is Bio-Identical Hormones
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Carolyn Zaumeyer Nurse Practitioner LowTE Florida 4540 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.791.4498 Do You Miss Your Old Self? As the years pass, we all slowly lose our ability to produce our own hormones and that limits our ability to live well. Our goal is to optimize your hormone balance so
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Carolyn Zaumeyer Nurse Practitioner LowTE Florida 4540 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.791.4498 Do you fear the spark in your relationship is gone? Has your hot sex life fizzled? Many couples have trouble maintaining a healthy level of sexual intimacy and for a variety of reasons. Busy lives, complacency and health issues
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Carolyn Zaumeyer Nurse Practitioner LowTE Florida 4540 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.791.4498 As the years pass, we all slowly lose our ability to produce our own hormones and that limits our ability to look and feel like our “old selves”. Our goal is to optimize your hormone balance so you can
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Carolyn Zaumeyer Nurse Practitioner LowTE Florida 4540 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.791.4498 As the years pass, we all slowly lose our ability to produce our own hormones and that limits our ability to live well. Our goal is to optimize your hormone balance so you can feel your best. Many
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Carolyn Zaumeyer Nurse Practitioner LowTE Florida 4540 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.791.4498 Absolutely not!! I am asked almost daily if there is an age cut-off for hormone replacement therapy. My oldest patient is 88 and she plays tennis daily! Are you so tired at the end of your day that
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Carolyn Zaumeyer Nurse Practitioner LowTE Florida 4540 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.791.4498 Q: Is there a natural supplement that can enhance the benefits of my testosterone (naturally produced or replacement therapy)? A: Yes, there is significant research on the safety and efficacy of Tongat Ali (FreeTE™) – derived from the
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Carolyn Zaumeyer Nurse Practitioner LowTE Florida 4540 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.791.4498 We do not know how long we have left to live… It could be a day – or it could be fifty years! Whatever is left, I want it to be FABULOUS! As time goes by, we slowly
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Carolyn Zaumeyer Nurse Practitioner LowTE Florida 4540 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.791.4498 Absolutely! At LowTE Florida®, we know that keeping a patient’s hormone levels optimized can help keep their immune system running normally. As we optimize our hormones, many crucial functions of the body are supported. Everything from how we sleep
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Carolyn Zaumeyer Nurse Practitioner LowTE Florida 4540 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.791.4498 As men and women enter middle age, the Battle of the Bulge can prove to be a formidable opponent! Many people are noticing a little more softness around their middles and have lost the ability to build muscles.
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Carolyn Zaumeyer Nurse Practitioner LowTE Florida 4540 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.791.4498 Would you like to learn more about hormone therapy to decide if it is right for you? Since the pandemic began, I have been providing free virtual consultations for women and men from all over the country. I
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