
Festive tips to beat the holiday binge

This holiday season, as most of us indulge in our festive favorites while throwing dietary and fitness caution to the wind, I am continually asked for advice on how to enjoy the holidays while remaining in shape.

When there are treats and temptations everywhere you turn, it’s hard to say no. And why should you? It’s the holidays.

To help you enjoy the season, have fun and stay in shape, here are 10 healthy holiday tips:

Set time aside for exercise and stick to it. Schedule it, and you’ll make it happen.

Find the right workout for you. Join a gym, exercise outside in the beautiful Florida winter weather or stay indoors and do body weight exercises using steps and chairs.

Take 30 minutes each morning to get your heart moving. This can be a brisk walk, a light jog or a few body weight exercises. Just get moving.

Exercise with friends or family and make it a social event. Activities could include walking, cycling or even holiday shopping. Remember that, when at the mall or store, you can park farther away to encourage additional steps. Use the stairs, not the elevator. Those steps add up.

Try to keep your workout balanced. If you don’t have much time, a full-body workout will give you greater results than just focusing on one area.

Stay hydrated. It will help you feel fuller, give you more energy and reduce the need to overeat.

Balance bad holiday food with good healthy food.

Fill up on vegetables and protein, and eat the right fats and carbohydrates.

Package healthy, portion-controlled snacks and foods and keep them close by. Eat these when you feel hungry to avoid calorie-rich snacking.

Make sure you work off any calories you put in. It’s all about balance and moderation.

So often we fall off the fitness wagon during December and then face the new year with crazy fitness resolutions that burn out before the month has even started. By making a few smart food choices in December, and being consistent with your exercise program, you can beat the bloat and start 2017 fit and healthy.

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