Kathelyn C. Molinares-Zimmerer, CPA, MBA
Board Director for United HomeCare
After a lifetime of hard work, often for reasons beyond their control, many older adults in South Florida are forced to choose between a roof over their head, food in the fridge or medication, placing themselves at risk for health complications. What if they can’t afford all three?
Older adults should not have to choose between food and medicine, and sacrifice their health and well-being. Some are living with long-term disabilities. Others have no family or friends that can help. Imagine that: Having to mortgage your home or declare bankruptcy because the combined cost of keeping a roof over your head, food in the fridge and meds in the bathroom cabinet is too much. This isn’t what the “golden years” are supposed to be.
It’s hard to believe, even unimaginable, that there are seniors hard-pressed to get enough food to eat. Those ages 65 and older spend nearly twice as much of their total expenditures on health care costs when compared with the general population, even with 94% in this age group covered by Medicare.
That’s why United HomeCare, a non-profit, home and community care organization is making great efforts to engage the philanthropic community to help address food insecurity for older adults on the waitlist for public home and community care programs. “United HomeCare is helping individuals with greatest need on the waitlist by providing them with 7 days of nutritious meals. Our goal is to feed many more seniors and find community partners who want to help us in this effort.
United HomeCare is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit organization serving Miami and Broward Counties dedicated to improving the quality of life for homebound and disabled adults. For more information on how you can help contribute, visit https://www.unitedhomecare.com/en/charitable-giving/financial-support.aspx