Mark McCawley, DMD, MS, FACD
Tom McCawley, DDS, FACD
McCawley Center for Laser Periodontics, Implants and Breath Treatment
800 E. Broward Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Welcome to our new column, we are Drs. Tom and Mark McCawley. We specialize in laser periodontics, dental implants, and bad breath treatment. For 50 years we have been saving smiles in Broward County! In this first column we are addressing bad breath and treatments to cure it.
The McCawley Breath Center has a 20-year track record of Curing Bad Breath. Unlike other offices, we totally eliminate the source of the problem. That takes time and skill, and the use of patented instruments – instruments only available in one other office in the world. In addition, we have pioneered the use of the laser to enhance the cure of bad breath and treat your periodontal disease if that is part of your bad breath problem.
During the two-hour examination, we will use a special gas chromatograph and other techniques to diagnose the actual cause of your problem. For the vast majority of patients, the treatment lasts virtually a lifetime. Just like brushing and flossing, you will need to perform some simple additional preventive maintenance.
There are many myths about bad breath, e.g., It comes from the stomach or sinuses, It comes from the tonsils, Good brushing and flossing will cure bad breath, The right mouthwash will solve my problem. All are false.
We offer a cure, not a low-cost, short-term treatment. To totally eliminate bad breath from your life, for a severe case, your investment would be similar to 3-4 crowns or complete braces. And if cost is an issue, we offer financing that allows payment to extend over 1 year with no interest.
If you, or someone you know, are truly interested in saying goodbye to bad breath and getting their life back, call us today. For much additional information, visit our website,, and also check out our Google reviews.