Carolyn Zaumeyer
Nurse Practitioner
LowTE Florida
4540 N. Federal Highway
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Q: Is there a natural supplement that can enhance the benefits of my testosterone?
A: Yes, there is significant research on the safety and efficacy of Tongat Ali (FreeTE™) – derived from the roots of a medicinal plant from Malasia. TA roots are a traditional “anti-aging” remedy and a modern supplement intended to improve libido, energy, sports performance and weight loss. Previous studies have shown TA to stimulate the release of free testosterone, improve sex drive, reduce fatigue, and improve well-being.
Studies indicate that daily supplementation with FreeTE™ (tongkat ali root extract) improves stress hormone profile and certain mood state parameters, suggesting that this “ancient” remedy may be an effective approach to shielding the body from the detrimental effects of “modern” chronic stress, which may include general day-to-day stress, as well as the stress of dieting, sleep deprivation, and exercise training.
Aging tends to cause weight gain, notably around the belly, and attempts to lose weight are often fraught with frustration, as the weight and belly fat tend to stick around. In tandem, energy and mood are also affected.
Declining circulating testosterone is a culprit, as are high levels of circulating cortisol, a stress-response hormone. Cortisol is necessary for a fight-or-flight reaction; however, modern lifestyles tend to create a chronic, low-grade stress that releases cortisol, which increases appetite. In other words, stress eating. Additionally, this status creates the tendency to store visceral fat around the trunk.
These results suggest that supplementation with FreeTE™ may help to maintain normal levels of cortisol (low) and testosterone (high) and thus promote an overall “anabolic” hormonal balance. In addition, the higher testosterone level also contributes to higher energy levels and reduced fatigue and prevents dieters from binge eating. FreeTE™ is available at or at LowTE Florida, 4540 N. Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale. Tel: 954-791-4498.