Linzi Martinez

Personal Trainer/Nutritional Therapist

Host/Executive Producer of the award winning HHS Makeover TV Series

FB: Happy Healthy Stronger

IG: Linzimartinez


We are all put on this planet for a reason…to do something great…whether being an amazing full-time mom, or making people laugh. Whatever that special talent is… that greatness that’s unique to all of us … when we find and act upon it, we feel completely fulfilled, beautiful in every way, and mostly, ridiculously alive!

But you cannot achieve this sense of happiness unless you’re healthy and strong. My goal is to motivate and challenge you to live a better life, to be the best you can possibly be, and to assist you in finding your greatness…it all begins with self-respect…

Here are 10 things you can do to start being your very best!

Eat clean foods! You wouldn’t put bad gasoline in your luxury car…Well, you are a Ferrari and deserve the best intake possible!

Don’t wait until you’re sick to care for yourself…start now!

Cut out fried foods! They zap your energy and are void of nutrients. You may as well just slap the fat on your body!

No processed foods – no white anything, cakes, cookies, etc. They raise your blood glucose and make you feel hungry sooner!

No more artificial sweeteners! They’re toxic…try Stevia or Truvia, both plant-based sweeteners!

Give up soda! Here’s a great alternative…try sparkling water, lemon and Truvia together!

Drink water throughout the day – eight 8 oz. glasses is perfect for most! Thirst can be confused with hunger…you may save lots of calories if you just drink water!

Be kind and love everyone around you! It’s amazing how much this can change your life! Give three honest compliments a day… it’ll make you feel beautiful just making someone feel good!

Exercise! Find something you love!

Remember – loving yourself will help you love your life! You are worth it!

With love always, Linzi Martinez

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