Reading the Room

Tara Bernerd oozes creativity as she speaks over Zoom from one of her home offices in Milan, Italy.

Alexander Star Uses Musical Expertise to Impact South Florida Community

On a spring evening in March 2022, Alexander Star stood behind a silver recording mic wearing a simple gold chain, a crisp black T-shirt and a black ball cap embroidered with his own logo—a gold star with the silhouette of a fedora-wearing musician throwing a peace sign. The South Florida-based musician grooved with a swagger

Recipe for Success

Asked to choose a swan-song meal, Donatella Arpaia points to one of her own—homemade pasta with tomato sauce and hand-pulled Stracciatella cheese, a dish that’s on the menu at Noma Beach at Redfish, the Coral Gables-based restaurant she recently opened in Matheson Hammock Park. The celebrity chef—made famous by her string of wildly successful restaurants