Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are those gases in the atmosphere that are the fundamental cause of the “greenhouse effect” and have been a source of increased temperature on Earth, commonly referenced as part of climate change. Human activities contribute to the amount of emissions in our air from burning carbon-based fuels such as wood, coal,
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Buildings are an integral part of our world and provide shelter, privacy, comfort, and safety. Buildings influence the way we live, affect our health, and have a profound impact on our natural environment. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, buildings in the United States account for 39% of total energy use, 12% of total
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When sculpture artist Sean Garman opened his studio and gallery a few years ago, it wasn’t for the sole purpose of tightening family bonds. But his specialty—works that focus on the human body, especially hands—has done just that. The intimate, detail-rich pieces produced at Garman Sculpture Works (1041 NE 45th St., Oakland Park; 954.789.5001) have
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