
New Partnership Paves Way for Miami-Dade’s First Virtual Production LED Studio

Grup Mediapro, a highly experienced multimedia conglomerate specializing in content creation, production and distribution for television and film, has entered into a long-term agreement with BrandStar, one of the largest and most accomplished production studios in South Florida, to offer virtual production capabilities at Grup Mediapro’s Miami facilities. “The film industry is one of Miami-Dade’s

Summer Fruit A’B’C’s Tomato

Lenore Nolan-Ryan Lenore Nolan Ryan Catering & Cooking School Galt Ocean Plaza 3311 North Ocean Blvd, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.491.2340 lenorenolanryan.com Are tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable? We refer to tomatoes as a vegetable due to their use in savory dishes, but according to the botanical definition, it is indeed a fruit! Fruits

Aging And Entrusting Your Loved One’s Care

Michelle Barton-King, Esq., Partner at Boyd Richards Parker Colonnelli Chairperson of the Board of United HomeCare 305.716.0710 or visit unitedhomecare.com Entrusting someone with the care of your loved one is probably one of the most important decisions you will need to make in your lifetime. When deciding whom you will entrust, consider that this person will