To help individuals with disabilities gain more access to financial literacy tools, The Dan Marino Foundation, with support from the TD Charitable Foundation, will provide a free, online financial literacy program that offers free lessons specifically designed for individuals with disabilities to achieve greater financial independence. The program uses TD Bank’s entire suite of Adaptive Financial Education lessons, made possible by a grant from the TD Charitable Foundation, the charitable giving arm of TD Bank.
“It’s amazing the opportunity TD Bank and the TD Charitable Foundation have given individuals to access this financial literacy program on EduEx, the Foundation’s virtual learning platform, at no cost, paving the way to financial independence for those with autism and other developmental disabilities,” says Mary Partin, CEO of Dan Marino Foundation.
The new program offers online lessons to help users better understand everyday finances, such as creating a budget, filing taxes, paying bills, setting up traditional savings accounts and establishing savings goals. Lessons also help users learn about financial institutions to reduce dependence on alternative financial services such as payday loans and check-cashing stores. Also included are steps to purchase a car, apply for a loan, gain access to credit and better understand investing.
“We are incredibly proud to work with the Dan Marino Foundation to make financial literacy resources free and widely available,” says Nick Miceli, Florida Regional President at TD Bank and Board Member of the TD Charitable Foundation. “By working with the Dan Marino Foundation to utilize TD’s adaptive financial literacy program, we are equipping these individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to live their lives with greater financial confidence and independence.”
The Dan Marino Foundation will rely on EduEx to deliver this program that offers several valuable online courses, resources and tools such as social skill training, self-advocacy and career exploration/development for individuals with disabilities. The nonprofit organization hopes to empower individuals to succeed in employment and achieve greater independence. The fully immersive platform offers gamification, customized curriculums and self-paced lessons for more effective and interactive delivery.
For a complete list of the lessons provided, please go to or also visit!courses/financial-literac