Impact 100 Palm Beach County (PBC) is preparing to announce the nonprofit organizations receiving a $100,000 high-impact grant. The focus areas include arts, culture and historic preservation, education, environment and animal welfare, family, and health and wellness.
The winners will be announced at a reception at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, April 18 at Boca West Country Club, 20583 Boca West Dr. The event will involve presentations by each of the finalist organizations about the project for which they seek funding, their vision and the grant’s projected impact on their program. After the presentations, Impact 100 members will vote to award multiple $100,000 grants to nonprofits.
“When women unite together, anything is possible,” Kelly Fleming says, president of Impact 100 PBC. “Over the last 11 years, Impact 100 PBC has proven just how powerful women can be when they collectively fund high-impact $100,000 grants to nonprofit initiatives in our community. We’ve invested over $5.2 million in our community in each of five focus areas, and we expect to have another record-breaking year for our organization. We are also thrilled to help nonprofits making a meaningful difference right here in southern Palm Beach County.”
For more information about Impact 100 Palm Beach County, the Grand Awards, or to join this chapter, please call 561-336-4623 or visit