
5 for October


Start the fall season off right with some fun and exciting events in South Florida.

There’s Just No Place Like United Homecare

Alina Palenzuela

Alina Palenzuela CAP-OM Chief Marketing and Volunteer Engagement Officer United HomeCare®   305.716.0710 www.unitedhomecare.com avusconnect.org Home is more than just a place to live. It is your sanctuary, your haven. As you or your loved ones grow older, the importance of home becomes even more apparent because there’s no place like home. And for thousands of

Osteopenia? Osteoporosis? Yikes!!

Carolyn z

Carolyn Zaumeyer Nurse Practitioner LowTE Florida 4540 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954.791.4498 lowteflorida.com Osteopenia is the pre-osteoporosis state. It’s when our bone density score shows some bone loss, but not enough to be labeled osteoporosis. Thinning bones are a risk factor for experiencing a major bone break, such as a hip or