
South Florida fitness influencers shape up

Jamie Maitland

Founder/owner, The Office; Fort Lauderdale

What distinguishes her workout: Variety is the spice of life, and my exercise regimen includes variety. Our bodies are capable of being pushed to great limits, and I’ve designed my classes to do just that. At The Office, I offer nine different styles of full-body workouts. Some classes focus on certain body parts, others are cardio-based, some are heavy, weighted routines, and some are designed to burn out and trip up your small accessory muscles. Based on personal experience, my body has responded best when its constantly confused.

Mind over matter: As I’ve grown in my personal fitness journey, I’ve learned that mental health must come first. You must want to make the shift when it comes to eating healthy, making it to your workouts and maintaining this way of life. You can work out all you want, but if your mind isn’t right—if you don’t have mental discipline—it won’t last. Health and wellness go hand in hand with exercise; once you are mentally fit, as well, you will be capable of anything.

Words to live by: Quit whining, and get off your ass. I’m a tough-love kind of coach; it’s not my style to baby anyone. If you want to feel better and look better, it’s not rocket science: Eat good, exercise and keep your mind healthy. You will obtain the desired results.

Visit theoffice954.com for more about Jamie and The Office.


Joe Booksh

President, Method Health; Fort Lauderdale

The fitness difference: When I was in my late 20s, I was diagnosed with gout. At the time, I was overweight, out of shape and not educated on balancing my body for peak health. This is where my adventure into health and wellness started. Over time, my body changed, my sleep improved, my libido returned, my energy levels went up, and my biochemistry labs came in at optimal range.

What distinguishes his fitness routine: I think exercise is very personal; each person needs to find what works for them. Each week, I lift four days and run three to four days. I’ve also incorporated yoga into my routine. It’s always good to mix it up.

The X-factor: In addition to exercise, I focus on health optimization. I had to make sure the inside of my body was aligned to give me the results I wanted. I started by having bloodwork done and identifying issues I was unaware of. One of the biggest things I learned was that my testosterone was low. I also learned that a lot of the health goals I couldn’t achieve were out of my control because my hormone balance was off. Once I got everything balanced, I was able to achieve my specific goals—including weight loss. The winning [combination] for me is internal body optimization, nutrition, exercise and rest.

Visit methodhealth.com for more about health optimization.


Leslie Glickman

Owner, Yoga Journey; Boca Raton

The yoga difference: Before finding yoga, I was focused on how fit I looked and having a healthy body. Yoga was the first thing that actually addressed me as a whole person—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. That was a game changer for me, and I never looked back. I’ve been teaching and practicing yoga for 25 years, and now that is all I do to stay healthy and fit. At 54, I feel better than ever.

What distinguishes her workout: The foundation of my routine is a daily meditation practice first thing in the morning. This makes me present to all things going on in my life and gets me clear in my mind before I face the day. A few days per week, I do a vigorous practice called vinyasa for strength tone and stamina; at least once per week I do yin yoga for deep relaxation and tension release. The only thing that I incorporate that isn’t traditional yoga is walking. I walk at least a mile every day with my dog; it’s good for both of us, and it makes me happy.

Extending the healthy lifestyle: Mindfulness is a big part of everything I do. I am consciously aware of what I eat; I’ve been a vegetarian for more than 25 years. I am selective about what products I buy and use in my routines and in my home. I also bring this philosophy into the way I run my business, my relationships and all aspects of my life. Sometimes, it’s as simple as taking a moment to pause and breathe so you can notice how you feel before acting on anything.

Visit leslieglickman.com for more on Leslie and her meditation and yoga offerings.


Photography by James Woodley

Location: Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa

Creative direction: Melanie Geronemus Smit

Art direction: Evelyn Suarez

Copy: Kevin Kaminski

Photography assistant: Lockinvar Denis

Special thanks to Salymarie Alvarez, marketing and promotions coordinator at the Marriott Harbor Beach

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