
Duty and Honor

Four members of the Pinecrest Police Department were honored at the annual MADD awards dinner held on May 27. Officer Edison Cruz received the β€œOfficer William Craig Memorial DRE” award for his excellence and commitment to enforcing DUI statutes. Cruz had 103 DUI arrests during 2014. Officer Shirley Verde received the β€œEnforcement Award of Honor”

Community Photo Contest

β€œThe Way We Worked” is a Smithsonian exhibition that is coming to Pinecrest from September 5 through October 17. It explores how work has become a central element in American culture and how the workforce and the work environment have evolved over the last 150 years.  Pinecrest is holding a community photo contest leading up

Service Above Self The Rotary Club of Coconut Creek

The Rotary Club of Coconut Creek is an organization of dynamic, fun-loving people who work together to make a difference in our community. The club gets together for meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of every month and frequently has fascinating and informative community leaders as speakers. Its meetings are held in the evenings

Get Your Grill On! Summer Grilling Safety

  While South Floridians enjoy grilling weather year-round, summertime is peak grilling season for the rest of the country. Grilling can be an enjoyable and a healthy cooking adventure if several precautions are followed. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, an estimated 18,000 people go to the emergency room following a grilling-related accident and

Women in distress

Summer is often associated with a sense of freedom. Schools are out, vacations commence and the outside world greets us with sunshine. However, no matter how bright the sunlight is, for some, the summer is cast with darkness.  β€œIf a mom is going to make that break, it often happens in the summer. It’s that

A View from the Top

Congratulations to Coconut Creek resident and retired Air Force Lt. Col. Leo R. Gray on his induction into the Dr. Nan S. Hutchinson Broward Senior Hall of Fame, which celebrates the exceptional volunteer services of Broward County residents over the age of 60. Gray joins other Coconut Creek honorees: former Mayor Sam Goldsmith, former Commissioner

The New Cool Kid in Town

Flagler Village has quickly emerged as Fort Lauderdale’s hippest destination. When a new neighborhood starts gaining attention, it’s often due to a combination of purposeful planning and fortuity. In the case of Flagler Village in downtown Fort Lauderdale, the rise to cool has been a mixture of the city’s dream for a live-work-play environment, the

Book of Life

Everybody deserves a smile they love. So, if there are aspects of yours that you don’t like, including cracked teeth, persistent stains, gaps or misalignment, you don’t have to live with them. With dental veneers, dentists can transform your smile into one you will love. These thin, all-porcelain shells cover your existing tooth structure and