A new partnership between HANDY (Helping Abused Neglected Disadvantaged Youth) and H.O.M.E.S., Inc. (Housing Opportunities, Mortgage Assistance, & Effective Neighborhood Solutions, Inc.) will allow the nonprofit organizations to combine their prowess to enhance social programs, services and housing low-income families and neighborhoods in Broward County. To commemorate the alliance and its impact on helping lower-income
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As part of its Professional Development Program to enhance the skillset of the community to improve job prospects, Boca Helping Hands is offering a six-week virtual “English to Speakers of Other Languages” (ESOL) class. The Intermediate ESOL Practice begins July 21 to help participants build fluency through spontaneous discussion as well as viewing and discussing
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Knowing the critical role the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital (JDCH) plays in helping patients heal and recover from life-threatening illnesses, Jozza, a global pop artist, used his time and talent to bring more joy and artistic flavor to the hospital’s staff and visitors. Hoping to raise awareness and funds for the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital
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Alarmed by the amount of clutter and debris along the shoreline she encountered on her weekend visits to the beach, Delray Beach resident Julie Travis became determined to take action. “Every time I go to the beach, more so recently, it’s covered in trash,” Travis says. “I was sick of looking at trash and people
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Hoping to provide local artists and organizations in the South Florida region with the type of funding to produce works of art and cultural events capable of enhancing the area, the 2021 Knight Art Challenge will soon accept applications to dole out $2 million in funding. The Knight Arts Challenge has provided hundreds of local
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While school is out for summer, the Broward County Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services (BCPSFNS) will be continuing its free service of providing curbside grab-and-go meal bundles to vulnerable children in the county. The free meals help ensure school children can access quality nutritional food even while school is not in session. The meals
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As a product of homeschooling, professional tennis player Coco Gauff knows how technology can enhance education. Gauff, who grew up in Delray Beach, recently teamed up with Microsoft to refurbish the main computer lab and enhance two additional labs at the Palm Beach County’s Achievement Centers for Children and Families (ACCF) with new computers. “This
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An animal species known as the sea cow doesn’t often conjure up thoughts of speed or racing, but Funky Buddau’s Manatee Derby hopes to use the irony to help protect the endangered marine creature. The first Manatee Derby will occur at 6 p.m. on June 8 (World Oceans Day) to raise funds and awareness on
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With the opening of a new food facility, Boca Helping Hands expects to double the amount of people it plans to feed over the next 10 years. The organization assists over 27,000 people on a yearly basis through its programs that provide food, education, job training and medical and financial assistance. To help continue its
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After launching its Diaper Bank in 2011, the Junior League of Boca Raton (JLBR) has provided 5.2 million diapers to needy families in the area. The donations reach 3,000 children monthly through 24 nonprofit organizations. The success of the endeavor will translate into the establishment of the Junior League of Boca Raton Diaper Bank as
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Although the economy has shown signs of rebounding from COVID-19 restrictions, thousands of South Florida families continue to rely on the assistance of others to get by. As one of the largest sources of help for vulnerable residents, the Salvation Army of Broward County is requesting more donations to meet the ongoing demand. To help
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A pandemic pivot at Pace Center for Girls in Broward has turned the outdoor space at the nonprofit organization’s Wilton Manors facility into an artistic ode to female empowerment. The organization, which provides at-promise girls of middle school and high school ages wraparound social services and full academic school days, invited local artists to transform its grounds
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