The finest spot in my thatched-roof bungalow was a white crochet hammock on the wooden porch. Only 10 feet from the sparkling Caribbean Sea, I was within constant earshot of crashing waves. Every free moment was spent swaying in the hammock, where I read my book or nodded off, stirring only to reach for a
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While brainstorming new cocktails for JEY Hospitality Group, Scott Kurzawinski works backward, starting with a name before bringing ingredients into play. “A name means so much,” explains Kurzawinski, the group’s beverage director. “It resonates with people’s minds. … When you see a fun name, it evokes a memory. You can build a cocktail from there.”
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Welcome back to the old lunchbox-packing grind. Throw out last year’s trusty (and presumably smelly and stained) bag, and get your shopping list ready. According to Lucille Beseler, the president and owner of Family Nutrition Center of South Florida, you should scribble fruits and vegetables at the top. “That has to be the mindset—that
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The music is loud, and the crowd is languid on an early afternoon at the Elbo Room. Many of the regulars at the most-renowned corner bar in South Florida already have assembled. People such as Pete Wood, whose bottle of Chandon Brut Classic chills next to his barstool in a metal bucket typically used for
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Roberto Guerios has created a menu that encourages diners to leave their comfort zones. But, as he can attest, some culinary habits die hard. When he opened Pirate Republic Seafood & Grill with his wife and chef, Claudia, in 2010—after a year as a bar—they put fish and chips on the menu among the global
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The little girl in the red polka-dot dress and matching bow gasped—the mixer churning her ice cream had started to smoke. She put her hands over her mouth, looked at her mother and giggled. “For the kids, it’s like a show,” says Bruce Behren, owner of Chill-N Nitrogen Ice Cream’s Weston location. “Even the adults
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Rebecca Loveless isn’t sure how many tattoos she has, but she guesses about 60. She calls the areas of her skin without them “spots.” “I’m filling the spots,” she says. “It’s not so much as, ‘I want a tattoo on my chest.’ It’s, ‘I need a tattoo on my chest because there’s a giant spot
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• In a video posted to Facebook on the last day of January, Rocco Mangel, seemingly the picture of health in a fitted white Henley shirt, handed his daughter, Charley, who turns 4 on April 24, some printed cue cards to hold up to the camera. He beamed as the blonde, curly-haired child raised them
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On a recent Friday afternoon, a few minutes shy of noon, Joe Valko jumped away from a high-top table and made his way behind The Wishing Well’s bar, raving about the green tea shots. “This is the best part of owning a bar,” he says. “Drinks are on the house.” This is the enthusiastic, anything-goes
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