Given its backstory as an overdue concept in South Florida, it’s no surprise that a community foundation created to unite donors with nonprofit organizations that support LGBTQ initiatives has wasted no time making an impact. A little more than a decade after five founding members launched it in 2011, Our Fund Foundation already is the
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When you joined Styx in 1999, you had a significant following in Canada as a solo artist. Was it a difficult decision to give that up for a globally renowned band that had a complicated recent history? On the one hand, you’re knocked out and flattered by the honor of joining a band with a
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Lawrence Gowan was 12, and two years into his keyboard training, when his parents finally purchased a family piano. As he sat on the bench and prepared to raise the roof on his Canadian home just outside of Toronto, his father asked him to slide over. “He riffed into about three hours of music,” Gowan
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There always had been an undercurrent of momentum to Wade Allyn Hallock’s prodigious talent as a Miami-based interior designer, one that rivaled a game of telephone. This client told that friend. That friend became a client. And so on. Better still, Hallock purposely flew below the radar with an air-of-mystery approach that his increasingly exclusive
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It’s not as if the LGBTQ+ community needs further reminders that they’re under siege, even here in what should be the friendly confines of South Florida. Even in 2022, two years after the Supreme Court agreed in Bostock v. Clayton County that non-discrimination based on sex—as stated in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights
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Can you imagine trying to start a rock career today in the current entertainment climate? That would be really hard. Today, there’s so little importance placed on originality. Everything is so image-oriented. It seems like there are 95,000 different genres that are all separate from each other, and you have to fit yourself into one.
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When asked if she noticed a heightened enthusiasm for live concerts as musicians like herself began taking the stage again last year, Ann Wilson admits that it was hard to tell. “You look and see this sea of masks—and all you see are eyes,” says the iconic rock vocalist. “You can’t see any facial expressions.
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It took me the better part of 40 years to come to terms with a golf swing that, despite its many flaws, allowed me to enjoy the sport without taking the ups and downs too seriously. It took JR, a teaching professional at Baha Mar’s Royal Blue Golf Club in Nassau, 60 seconds of deconstructing
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Restaurants & Lounges The epicurean treats at Baha Mar, alone, are enough to distinguish it as an unparalleled luxury resort experience. All told, there are more than 45 combined dining options and bars/lounges—accommodating an endless array of tastes, moods and desires. In addition to casual stops, highlights abound in both categories when it comes to
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The NBA had just staged its annual All-Star Game in Cleveland, but not all of the sport’s greatest players were spending the midseason break in Ohio. In fact, there was enough modern-day and Hall of Fame talent on the floor at the buzziest resort in The Bahamas to field an all-star pick-up team on the
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Looking back, do you have any sense of why Rothstein turned himself in, instead of disappearing to a country, like Morocco, with no extradition to the U.S.? In God’s Ponzi, Gregory Portent speculates for about a half page as to why Rothstein did what he did—including this idea that, if you leave the U.S., you
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The luxury residential landscape in South Florida—brimming with innovative design, cutting-edge architecture and artful details—provides more than its share of eye candy. In its April issue, Lifestyle takes readers on a showcase tour of high-end spaces, with help from industry experts. 3030 Meadow Lane Where: Weston Living area: 12,323 square feet Bedrooms/baths: 7 bedrooms, 8 full baths,
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